It was up with the larks this morning. Now all I have to do is seed clues throughout this piece to help you find the answer to the question of whether I enjoyed it.
We were determined to get as much as possible out of our tutor, Janet Laurence. We made her turn up fifteen minutes early and come back another fifteen minutes early from coffee and she then stayed another fifteen minutes after we’d finished. Many thanks, Janet.
It was that kind of ending. None of us wanted to leave Caerleon and Writers’ Holiday. If it hadn’t been for the beds and the showers we would have stayed there for a lot longer. I am now used to showering in the dark as the light and fan regularly went out after two minutes.
I have returned armed with books (what else on a writing course?), tools, inspiration, determination and new friends.
Thanks are due to Ann and Gerry Hobbs who run the Writers’ Holidays. Their warmth welcomed us and sustained us through to the goodbyes.